A 12-Week

Journey Toward Freedom

For People Who Want To OWN Who They Are

Sunday, March 14 - Saturday, June 5 

(Only 10 Slots Available)

Want to not give a flying fuck about what other people think of you?


Have you ever wanted to say what you wanna say without questioning yourself? 


Have you imagined what your life would look like if you went for it all the way? 

Well, you’re in the right place!

Unleash literally means to Let Loose —

to free yourself

For way too long (and I’m talking thousands of years) human beings have been compromising, missing out on opportunities, doing things we don’t want to do, following someone else’s rules and beliefs, suppressing raw emotions and oppressing their true selves. 


Why? You tell me how many of these you have experienced… 


To be safe

To be comfortable

To be loved

To fit in

To not be seen 

To be seen 

To gain “power’ or “success” 

To not be rejected

To get the job

To get the boyfriend, girlfriend 

To get the house

To get the body 

To get money

To not cause conflict

To manipulate an outcome

To be a “good” person

To prove to others that you’re worthy

To be seen in a particular way for approval

I’ll take it another step further: 

To not be killed.

And all this for what?

To Be Happy 


Yet, this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Genuine happiness can

NEVER come from

getting something outside of you

The truth is -when you compromise yourself: 


don’t speak your truth,

don’t act on your heart’s desires,

don’t express,

or don’t go for your dreams...

a little piece of you dies everyday. 



A Prisoner.

of the world. 

 If you want to set yourself free,


If there is anything I know how to do in this world, it’s helping people Unleash themselves! 

Join me for a 12-week immersion to break free and

embody the most empowered version of YOU!  — Unleash! 

My name is Yarixa Ferrao. For nearly two decades I’ve been coaching fitness, health and wellbeing. 


Many people know me as the Creatrix Queen B of the Global Movement called Unleash! — A Guided Transformational Dance Journey that began in Los Angeles in 2018. 


Today, Unleash! has served as a catalyst of self-discovery for thousands of people world wide! 

 This program is for you if you are:

  1. Feeling confused and disconnected from your purpose

  2. Wanting more creativity, adventure and spontaneity in your life.

  3. Desiring to learn how to Flow more vs. Control 

  4. Missing something but just not sure what 

  5. Wanting to FEEL MORE ALIVE

  6. Willing to expand your capacity to give and receive love

  7. Longing for community and authentic connections 

  8. Being More in your head than your heart

  9. Feeling stagnant, resentful, tired, or trapped

  10. Noticing that you’re not doing things you love

  11. Wanting MORE OUT OF LIFE!

I too, like you, was not taught to be me. 


I had to experience the worlds’ limiting belief systems first hand to do what I came to do on the planet. I experienced suppression, rejection, oppression and depression. It was paralyzing. I was dying. 


It was either death or break free. 

 I fuckin' Unleashed.

My life IS an open book. I’ve danced naked in front of a crowd, on my period... with a tampon string hanging out & never once did I ever flinch.. I can get up on a microphone like I was born with it in my hand. I can speak my truth, have the “hard” conversations and nip things in the bud; and I’m not afraid to show you the places where I still may carry wounds or uncomfortability. I don’t label my sexuality, I am now in a few free loving relationship dynamics without labels. I recently released my permanent home in LA,  unattached and trusting in the unknown, flowing with the wind. 

Some people say I live a rockstar kind of life. I’m currently on tour with Unleash! A Hollywood film is about to come out where I played myself unscripted. I attract the most magical beings, opportunities, have friends of all kinds and mainly hang on an intimate level with the ones here to help the world be a kinder, more accepting and joyful place. The way we hang is like kids in a playground;- we play dress-up, sing songs, have work dates, “dance like no one is watching”, have cuddle puddles, and I’m about to turn 40. Everywhere I turn, LOVE is in my life.  I experience synchronicities and what feels like magic all the time. I have gotten to a place where I see a vision and very shortly or sometimes immediately comes to life. Money flows easily.  My dream and reality are feeling one of the same.  

I’m NOT saying all this to make you think I’m special... or for comparison sake. 


I’m sharing this because I want to inspire you. 


What would you do in life if you weren’t set on pleasing others?


Would you climb a mountain, write a book, profess your love, break off a toxic relationship, perform in a show, quit your job...? What would you do?

You have come here to realize the divine magnificence you are.

YOU must know that

you ARE the GIFT!

After catalyzing THOUSANDS of people to unleash themselves Into their more raw, unique and creative self expression through my exciting, transformative, magical guided dance journeys (Unleash!) since 2018 I wanted to create a comprehensive program that would allow a deeper dive of self discovery.  

What you can gain by participating in this program:

Unleash Me will guide you through a journey of self discovery so YOU CAN show up in the world as WHO THE FUCK you really are! 

  • Learn to love and accept yourself
  • Stop compromising
  • Create a life full of synchronicities and magic
  • Discover and magnetize your desires
  • Release self doubt, worry and sabotage
  • Face your fears with greater ease
  • Become more receptive to experiencing spontaneity
  • Connect more deeply with your intuition
  • Let go of shame, guilt and judgement
  • Practice surrendering and trusting life
  • Release stress and pressure from your mind and body
  • Be in community and find your tribe
  • Have fun!

Here’s what may be holding you back:

  • Thinking you Should or Have To or that this life is happening to you
  • Doing what your parents want you to do
  • Sweeping things under the rug 
  • Remaining in “I’m not enough”, “I'm not worthy” or “I am separate”
  • Being who others want you to be
  • Staying small and quiet
  • Avoiding your fears 
  • Blaming and holding grudges 
  • Staying in your comfort zone
  • Being without boundaries
  • Exhausting yourself in toxic relationships or environments 

You can’t free yourself if you’re out of integrity with yourself. 

Join a Journey Towards Freedom,

a 3-month Unleash! Me Immersion

Unlock Your Mind: Month 1


Through group coaching and activation, you will become conscious of what’s holding you back — the limiting beliefs that have kept you in a pattern, stagnation and with frequent negative emotions. You will REPROGRAM your mind with your intuitive thoughts and beliefs to naturally guide you towards living the life you want to live. 


Week 1: Day 1 LIVE ZOOM: Welcome Work on Vision / Intention /How to show up

Week 2: Day 1 Group EFT with Master Teacher Heaven Hurley Day 3 Live Unleash 

Week 3: Day Group Breathwork King Rob Starbuck  / day 3 Live Unleash! 

Week 4 : day 1 Group EFT Master Teacher Heaven Hurley  / day 3 Live Unleash! 

You will learn practices to see more clearly the beliefs creating contractions and triggering your growth. 


Your wellbeing is about discovering what’s uniquely healthy for YOU. 


In month two, you step into your AUTHENTICITY — you learn to embody all of you. 


Your Body is your vehicle; your messenger this lifetime. Learn how to support it in the MOST loving ways so it can support you. Nourish and move while listening and attuning to the uniqueness of you. Together explore exercising mobility, alignment, strength, agility and flow. Feel into what your body needs and in what right proportions. Simply put, practice intuitively eating and moving in month two. 


Nourishment: Unleash Method: Exploratory journey to discover what uniquely works for you. A daily fine tuning.

Month 2: Daily fine tuning.

Week 1:  day 3 Find Your Flow with indigo day 5 Nutrition Q & A 

Week 2: Unleash! 

Week 3: Find Your Flow with Indigo 

Week 4: Unleash! 




During month three, we alchemize. Focus is on activating your creativity. You will explore voice, tantric expression, choreography and art. 


Book your travel because it all ends in Moab, Utah at Unleash! — a 3-day in-person retreat experience. Come play and express your childlike innocence! Be who you are with friends and new community. Share the fully expressed you—deprogramed and clear, ready to befriend the world as a freer version of you! 


Week 1: Voice Activation - Jess Magic

Week 2: Day 1 Tantra Activation- Yossef Day 3 Art Activation  

Week 3:  Dance Choreography Activation - Sean Green

Week 4: Unleash! in Moab Utah June 3, 4, 5 to seal the deal!



Partake in an exclusive interview series with friends and celebrated public figures who are living life Unleashed! Hear their stories. Ask questions. Share about yourself. Experience authentic connection. 


You’ll be with:

  • Sahara Rose - Best Selling Author. #1 spiritual podcast - The highest Self Podcast “A leading voice in the millennial generation” - Deepak Chopra @iamsahararose (Month 1)


  • Nicholas Petricca - Lead singer of band “Walk the Moon” Hit song 2015- “Shut up and dance” @walkthemoonband @nicholaspetricholas (Month 2)


  • Ivy Wolfe- Porn Star-2019 Best New Starlet and 7x award winner. She has used sex work to release shame, limiting beliefs and has come into a spiritual path awakening the singer, songwriter, dancer and artist in her. @officialivywolfe (Month 3)

You deserve to be authentically and unapologetically Yoy

When you accept yourself for all you are, you get to live a connected, meaningful, fulfilling, blissful, ecstatic, pleasure filled, loving life. 


You, in your purpose, positively impact the world. 


You will naturally treat other people with greater compassion, patience and care. You’ll be able to give from the center — your core. Change yourself, change the world. 


Take a chance on yourself. Because if not you, then who?


No regrets. The idea is to come to the end of your life, resting in peace knowing you did it. You LIVED it!


During this in depth program, I will help you: 

  • Take the leap of faith. 
  • See things with honest eyes and not sweep shit under the rug 
  • Become aware of your limiting beliefs that block you from living your best life
  • Reframe vulnerability as weakness to your strength 
  • Face your fears with greater ease
  • Ignite your passion, light the fire in your spirit
  • Deprogram the conditions and programming that has kept you on the hamster wheel instead of following your highest excitement  
  • Play and not take things so serious 
  • Envision and create the life of your dreams
  • Normalize and neutralize the judgments you have placed on yourself
  • Release ANY shame you have around sexuality, being “bad”, or being who you are 
  • Step into your dharmic path (or lifes purpose) 
  • Lead a life of love, joy, abundance and true happiness 

Energy leaks when you’re not acting

or being authentically you

It’s when you self sabotage; overeat, undereat, distract with social media, smoke too much, drink too much... You leak energy when you give into addictive behaviors — when you made decisions based on receiving instant gratification vs. long-term fulfillment. 


Your self doubt creeps in.


You get depressed, anxious, tight in your body, develop a dis-ease and accept shitty or toxic relationships. You blame others for your misery. The cycles of shame and guilt increase. You feel resentment and judgement towards others because you have these feelings about yourself. 


Then what happens? 


Your soul takes a backseat. 


Your dreams become sidelined. You live in a society of boxes and linear logic instead of upward spiraling dreams. 


I imagine you’re still reading because you know there is another way of living. 


You know you can’t continue to live the life you have been because you’ll be like a zombie on autopilot. Feeling lifeless, passionless. You are not here to live in mediocrity. 


I can feel it. You’re ready to Unleash! And I’m ready to support you every step of the way. Rest in knowing that you will be guided by me and seasoned trailblazers who will activate you in ways beyond comprehension.


The creative unique creature you were born to be takes a backseat. Your dreams become squashed and you live in a society of boxes and linear logic instead of upward spiraling dreams. You don’t get to live a life that is full of fun, play ,beauty, magic moments, supportive community. A life that can abundant in love, friendships, money, creativity. Because now you will be focused on putting out all the fires and processing the rabbit hole of all that is missing and loathing in lack instead of focusing on the offerings you uniquely came here to bring into the world with the upmost abundance.   

To recap, here’s what you get in the “Unleash Me” 12-Week Immersion: 

Month 1:

  • 1 LIVE Zoom Intro with ME to set you up for success
  • 3 LIVE Unleash! Zooms with ME ( will record in case you can’t make it)  
  • 2 LIVE EFT (emotional freedom technique) sessions with Master Teacher Heaven Hurley
  • 1 LIVE Holotropic Breath Work session with the King of Breathwork Rob Starbuck. 
  • 1 Inspirational Interview of My Life story to assist you in the process
  • Private Signal  Group for support, encouragement, celebration and Q & A on anything that comes up for you during this process.  
  • Weekly “Unleash Me” Journal Pages with prompts 

Month 1 Bonus:

Exclusive Unleash! Celebrity Public Figure Interview with, Sahara Rose- Best Selling Author and # 1 Spiritual Podcast,  to inspire you some more on Clubhouse Where You get to Also Interact and Ask Questions for the last portion of Interview 

Month 2:

12 Functional Training Videos per week 

1 Foam Rolling Instructional Video 

1 Mobility Warmup Video 

2 LIVE Zoom  Unleash! With ME

2 LIVE Zoom Intuitive Flow Movement with Indigo

A Nutritional Typing Test for Deeper Awareness of Your Unique Makeup 

21 Day Nutritional Exploratory Journey with Recipes, Grocery Shopping List, Supplement Suggestions and More

1 LIVE Zoom Nutrition Q & A with Me 

Extra Signal Group Support with any other questions you may have in your journey 

Frequently Asked Question Pages on Both Nutrition and Movement to support you further. 

Month 2 BONUS

Exclusive Unleash! Celebrity Public Figure Interview with, Nicholas Petricca Lead Singer of Walk the Moon band, to inspire you some more on Clubhouse Where You get to Also Interact and Ask Questions for the last portion of Interview 

Month 3:

  • 1 LIVE Voice Activation with Jess “Magic” - Creator of Free Your Voice 
  • 1 LIVE Tantric Activation with Master Teacher Yossef Sagi
  • 1 LIVE Dance Choreography with the amazing Sean Green 
  • UNLEASH! Ticket to 3 day event in Moab, Utah to Seal the Deal! Put into practice all you have learned! 

Month 3 BONUS

Exclusive Unleash! Celebrity Public Figure Interview with, Ivy Wolfe- Multi Award Winning Porn Star whom awakened through spirituality through sex work,  to inspire you some more on Clubhouse Where You get to Also Interact and Ask Questions for the last portion of Interview 

Get ready for one of the most fun, unique, playful and in depth programs that will lead you to your true Unleashed self! 

Cheers to your wild liberation! 

Pay in Full


Discounted $666

3 Payment installment per month


3 months/ Total $3999

6 Payment installment per month


6 months/ Total $3999

11 Payment installment per month


11 months/ Total $3999






Yarixa Ferrao, A.K.A, Coach Yari (Ya-di) is the founder and creator of a global movement, Unleash!- A Guided Transformational Dance Journey! She is an open channel, an artist, a powerful speaker, and a dancer of life. Additionally, She is a world-renowned inspirational and transformative health and fitness coach since 2001, starring on multiple TV and Media outlets such as TLC, MTV, and featured in CNN Español, Univision, Fitness Rx Radio and Woman’s Day Magazine. Yari’s mission and purpose is to be a soul-igniter, passion provoker and a catalyst of courageous creativity and personal freedom! Through Unleash!, she curates elevating, liberating and expansive experiences for others. 

The HeartIST- Founder of Free Your Voice 








More than a singer, Jess Magic is a musical story-teller who creates compelling opportunities for people to interact with life from an open heart.  In a world where so many are longing for deeper levels of connection, authentic expression and intimacy, Jess weaves a "spell" of love with each song and story to reveal aspects of the human experience that crack open the hearts of those who are touched by her presence.


As an emcee (a.k.a. "Mistress of Ceremonies"), a speaker and a social entrepreneur, Jess Magic uses her voice and charismatic presence to break down barriers between artist and audience, giving people permission to drop the masks and be seen in their most raw, joyful and sincere expression. 

Master EFT Practitioner 




Heaven is a badass EFT practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique)helping you to reclaim your energetic + emotional health while clearing your body of unresolved emotional issues, stress + trauma.

through this experience you will know the potent healing power of unconditional self-love and acceptance.


learn to use EFT to manifest all of your heart’s desires as an intentional co-creator being. 

with mastery in giving empathy, Heaven illuminates the power and efficacy of offering proper empathy to yourself + to others. These two tools will drastically transform your life, awaken you to life’s abundant blessings + activate the healer within you. 




Yossef's universal life path has guided him to practice and guide others through sacred sexuality. He was raised by 5 powerful, conscious women and a nurturing, heart-centered father. He grew up the eldest of 8 siblings -  six sisters and one brother. With all that feminine presence, he couldn’t help but grow deeply connected with his own feminine - while being deeply embodied in his masculine. He has lived a life of feeling and nurturing others, spending 15 years as an educator of social-emotional learning in at-risk communities by day and teaching esoteric Kabbalistic classes of mysticism and metaphysics by night.

  • He's a Certified Professional Coach and trains others who want to become certified professional coaches with one of the world’s largest ICF accredited coach

  • training programs.

  • He's a certified and skilled chakra-balancing, sexual-energy-harnessing, Tantric body and energy worker.

  • He is initiated in a unique, psychedelic form of meditation and metaphysics.

  • He has trained in various emotional release and psychological techniques.

  • He also really fuckin loves people! 

Yossef believes that sexual repression prevents spiritual expression. He strives to help others reach mental liberation, sexual freedom and spiritual sovereignty. 

Breathwork Guide/ Cultural Creative  




Rob Starbuck is a Breathwork guide and artist based in Los Angeles, CA. Rob brings a unique and powerful energy to creating transformative Breathwork journeys around the world.

Rob believes deeply in the power of the breath’s natural ability to transform lives and strip out old belief systems, limiting fears, false identity, and chronic stress that humans experience in today's world. Rob’s message is that we are all powerful and within our bodies, carry infinite information. This raw information becomes unburied through breath and when integrated, allows us to grow in the purest form.

World Renowned Choreographer




Sean Green is an internationally known choreographer who has traveled worldwide to perform and share his knowledge of dance through workshops. He is currently a choreographer for the Miami Heat dancers, a judge for the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders, and founder of the Out of the Box dance intensives in West Palm Beach.


Sean’s choreography is in such demand that he has led workshops in Scotland, France, England, Thailand, Australia, and Barcelona. As the popularity of Sean’s choreography grew, he founded Sean's Dance Factor (SDF) in 2003 in West Palm Beach, FL which launched world known industry professionals. Chris Grant, choreographer for Beyoncé, Keisha Cole, J-Lo and Brandy, started with SDF when he was 14 years old. Mikey Pesante, dancer for Brittney Spears, Rhianna, Camila Cabello and Kendrick Lamar, started with SDF when he was 16 years old. The SDF dancers have been featured in Chris Brown music videos, on stage with Justin Bieber, Cardi B, Mariah Carey and Jason Derulo.


The vision for SDF is that everyone deserves a bright future. Sean’s Dance Factory seeks to level the playing field by providing scholarships to underprivileged children, so they can put their dreams on a path of action. As Sean Green believes and instills in all of his students, “The sky’s the limit.”

Medicine Woman & Intuitive Flow facilitator 




Indigo is a published author and medicine woman from the Utah desert. She is known for reforming repressive cultural ideas surrounding feminine nature and sexuality through her book, Woman Be Wild, as well as other offerings. Working as a co-creator with the spirit of plant medicines, she awakens and expands our conscious awareness as she gently guides men and women to pursue a path of full sensual freedom by returning to their wild nature. 

It's Your Time. Unleash!



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